WWA views parental involvement in the childʼs program to be essential for overall success. The WWA parent education program occurs in two different settings: group parent education classes and in-home 1:1 training. There is an educational emphasis in both contexts, with the goal of helping parents to understand their childʼs disorder including common behavior and learning patterns, and what they may expect in terms of their childʼs performance. Group parent education classes provide parents with the opportunity to learn the principles of applied behavior analysis and develop a greater understanding of the application of these strategies. In-home parent training emphasizes the development of quality parent-child interactions by enhancing the parentʼs knowledge of positive behavior support strategies
Parent Support Groups
WWA Parent Support Groups are designed to offer encouragement to parents, caregivers, siblings and professionals educating and living with autistic children. WWA believes that it is important for families to have an opportunity to express common concerns and issues that accompany raising a child with special needs. The WWA Parent Support Groups provide an open forum for discussing all issues related to autism spectrum disorders. WWA offers parent and sibling group therapy provided by Marriage and Family Therapist interns with an extensive background in working with children with developmental disabilities under the supervision of a Licensed MFT.