Diagnosing ADHD

There is not one single test that can be used to diagnose ADHD. Medical professionals instead rely on a variation of tools and usually begin with assessing the child’s behaviors and patterns with parents or the child’s primary physician. They will also rule out all other possibilities within the medical realm such as hearing loss which could explain lack of participation or response when spoken to.

Checklists and questionnaires are often filled out with answers to pertinent questions and then a series of evaluations will take place which will monitor the child’s behavior and reactions in home, school and social settings. Often academic tests will also be given to assess the child’s intellectual abilities and rule out learning disabilities.

Treatments for ADHD

The best way to treat ADHD is to reduce the symptoms which get in the way of daily functioning and activities. Treatments such as medications in conjunction with different types of therapy and education are often enough to assist children with ADHD to lead more productive lives.

Medications which are in the stimulant family are often prescribed and have been proven to be helpful in the treatment of ADHD as they will counter the agitation and hyperactivity within the child and assist them in feeling more in control and less hyper. Many medications will also assist in calming brain activity so that the child is better able to focus and concentrate.

The medication process can often be frustrating for both the parents and children as it usually takes a period of time to find a combination that works. Since each child’s biological makeup differs, they may have to try more than a few different medications and combinations thereof before the right combination and dosage is found.

Educational regimes and therapy are also utilized and proven to be effective over time and include behavioral therapies and interactive or social therapies which will help the child better master social situations and teach them the proper way to communicate and behave while in public and when they are with peers.


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