WWA Adolescent Unit
Dedicated to the needs of adolescents, ages 12 to 17, the WWA Adolescent Unit is a specialized service focused on the unique challenges faced by individuals in this age range. Targeted areas of need include: being seen as “different” from their peers, being rejected or subject to peer pressure or bullying, coming across individuals who do not understand their unique differences, and navigating the transition from school to employment or postsecondary education. These issues in combination with the myriad of social challenges faced by those with ASD can lead adolescents to experience low self-esteem, depression, and social isolation.
The WWA Adolescent Unit seeks to provide teens with the communication, self-help, vocational, social, and self-management skills that will promote their independence and socio-emotional functioning. There is also an emphasis on promoting safety skills, self-advocacy, and managing sexuality. Using structured teaching, in-the-moment feedback, rehearsal strategies, and community based instruction, teens are supported to further develop their skill set and subsequently improve their feelings of self-confidence and self-efficacy. Client programming will consist of the following:
- Personal Care Skills
- Domestic Skills
- Community Safety Skills
- Employment Skills
- Behavior Management Skills
- Social Skills
- Life Skills