Applied Behavioral Analysis Treatment

These principals and therapies are used in a wide spectrum to treat adult and children who exhibit or suffer from a myriad of behavioral disorders, are developmentally challenged and who also suffer from emotional disturbances. It is used within school systems, on an outpatient basis and within clinical and inpatient settings depending on the needs and assessment of the individual.

After the needs have been assessed and concluded an intervention plan is put into place which often includes a series of educational tools as well as examining the conflicts and how to best resolve them based on the individual’s own assessment as well as those by medical professionals.

The individual themselves must be willing to participate in all areas of the therapies and intervention plan and there is an established system of trust that must be exhibited between the individual and medical professionals at all times.

The medical community has absorbed and created very strict guidelines within the practice of Applied Behavioral Analysis which must be adhered to at all times which includes rules governing the individual’s rights to privacy as well as lawful practices that must be followed.

Applied Behavioral Analysis and the goals of include not only treating behaviors and symptoms of an individual but also works steadfastly at shaping and influencing future behaviors, thoughts and patterns so that old, destructive behaviors and thoughts can be replaced by newer, more productive ones. It encompasses everything from one’s inner dialogue to their overall responses to their social and environmental situations. It also carefully takes into consideration how the environment and their peers respond to them and how they can best cope in those situations which present challenges.

After the initial assessment and intervention occur specific skills and tools are utilized to assist individuals in living out their daily lives in a productive and effective manner. Problem behaviors are targeted and replaced with healthier behaviors. Communication skills are also worked upon with strategies being put in place so that the individual can more effectively interact with their peers, family and overall environmental settings.



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